Alphabetical Dictionary

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agnyupasthānan1worship of Agni at the conclusion of the Agnihotra etc.
agran27foremost point or part; tip; front; uppermost part; top; summit; surface; point; sharpness; the nearest end; the beginning; the climax or best part; goal; aim; multitude; a weight equal to a pala; a measure of food given as alms; the sun's amplitude; Blume (eines Getr¦nks, d.h. erster Schluck)
agratasind1in front; before; in the beginning; first; (with gen.) before; in presence of
agriyaadj1foremost; principal; oldest; first-born
agreṇaind13in front; before (in time); east of
aghaadj1bad; dangerous; sinful; impure; ill
aghan1evil; mishap; sin; impurity; pain; suffering
aghamarṣaṇan2name of a particular Vedic hymn; [rel.] a kind of penance
aghoraadj2not terrific
aṅkamn1a hook; part of a chariot (used in the dual); a curve; the curve in the human, especially the female, figure above the hip; the side or flank; the body; proximity; place; the bend in the arm; any hook or crooked instrument; a curved line; a numerical figure; cipher; a figure or mark branded on an animal; any mark; line; stroke; ornament; stigma; a number; the numbers one and nine; a co-efficient; an act of a drama; a drama; a military show or sham-fight; a misdeed; a sin
aṅgan8a limb of the body; a limb; member; the body; a subordinate division or department; the number six; name of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five); any subdivision; a supplement; (in Gr.) the base of a word; anything inferior or secondary; anything immaterial or unessential; (in rhetoric) an illustration; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters; an expedient; a mental organ; the mind; [gramm.] the word aṅga; attribut¦rer Teil eines Opfers
aṅgāramn4charcoal; ember
aṅgirasm9name of a Ṛṣi; a star in Ursa Major; name of Agni; descendants of Aṅgiras or of Agni (mostly personifications of luminous objects); the hymns of the Atharvaveda; priests who by using the magical formulas of those hymns protect the sacrifice against the effects of inauspicious accidents. [weitere Stellen IIJ 42.1999:158 HF; the planet Jupiter
aṅgirasvatadj3in Begleitung der Aṅgiras
aṅgulimf1a finger; a toe; the thumb; the great toe; the finger-like tip of an elephant's trunk; the measure aṅgula; a kind of plant
aṅguṣṭham3the thumb; the great toe; a thumb's breadth
acalāf1the earth; one of the ten degrees which are to be ascended by a Bodhisattva before becoming a Buddha; name of a river; name of Devī
acchāvākam1title of a particular priest or Rtvij
acchidran1unbroken or uninjured condition; an action free from defect or flaw; name of a Sāman
acchidraadj1free from clefts or flaws; unbroken; uninterrupted; uninjured