Alphabetical Dictionary

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akṣaadj1having eyes
agnim2fire; sacrificial fire (of three kinds); the number three; the god of fire; the fire of the stomach; digestive faculty; gastric fluid; bile; gold; name of various plants; mystical substitute for the letter r; Semicarpus Anacardium; Plumbago Zeylanica and Rosea; Citrus Acida; [alchemy] the doṣa called vahni
agran4foremost point or part; tip; front; uppermost part; top; summit; surface; point; sharpness; the nearest end; the beginning; the climax or best part; goal; aim; multitude; a weight equal to a pala; a measure of food given as alms; the sun's amplitude; Blume (eines Getr¦nks, d.h. erster Schluck)
aṅkamn3a hook; part of a chariot (used in the dual); a curve; the curve in the human, especially the female, figure above the hip; the side or flank; the body; proximity; place; the bend in the arm; any hook or crooked instrument; a curved line; a numerical figure; cipher; a figure or mark branded on an animal; any mark; line; stroke; ornament; stigma; a number; the numbers one and nine; a co-efficient; an act of a drama; a drama; a military show or sham-fight; a misdeed; a sin
aṅkay10. P.2to move in a curve; to mark; to stamp; to brand
aṅgan8a limb of the body; a limb; member; the body; a subordinate division or department; the number six; name of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five); any subdivision; a supplement; (in Gr.) the base of a word; anything inferior or secondary; anything immaterial or unessential; (in rhetoric) an illustration; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters; an expedient; a mental organ; the mind; [gramm.] the word aṅga; attribut¦rer Teil eines Opfers
aṅganāf4any woman or female; (in astron.) Virgo; the female elephant of the north
acalam2a mountain; rock; a bolt or pin; the number seven; name of Śiva and of the first of the nine deified persons; name of a Devarshi; name of a son of Subala
acirātind1soon; quickly
acetanaadj1without consciousness; inanimate; unconscious; insensible; senseless; fainting
acchaadj1pellucid; transparent; clear
ajinan1the hairy skin of an antelope; the hairy skin of a tiger; the hairy skin of any animal
añjanan1act of applying an ointment or pigment; embellishing; black pigment or collyrium applied to the eyelashes or the inner coat of the eyelids; a special kind of this pigment; antimony; extract of Ammonium; Xanthorrhiza; paint; magic ointment; ink; night; (in rhetoric) making clear the meaning of an equivocal expression; double entendre or pun
aṭṭahāsamn1a horse-laugh; a name of Śiva; name of a Yakṣa; name of a Tīrtha; name of a mountain
atasind2from this; than this; hence; henceforth; from that time; from this or that cause or reason
atiind1very; extremely
atikram6. P.2to step or go beyond or over or across; to pass; to cross; to pass time; to surpass; to excel; to overcome; to pass by; to neglect; to overstep; to transgress; to violate; to pass on or away; to step out; to part from; to lose
atitarāmind1above in rank (with acc.); better; higher; more (with abl.); very much; exceedingly; excessively
atithim1a guest; a person entitled to hospitality; name of Agni; name of an attendant on Soma; name of Suhotra (king of Ayodhyā); name of a son of Akrodhana