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Associated topic(s): against demons, rakṣas, evil spirits

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Chapter id: 11098
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namo devavadhebhyo namo rājavadhebhyaḥ / (1.1) Par.?
atho ye viśyānāṃ vadhās tebhyo mṛtyo namo 'stu te // (1.2) Par.?
namas te adhivākāya parāvākāya te namaḥ / (2.1) Par.?
sumatyai mṛtyo te namo durmatyai te idaṃ namaḥ // (2.2) Par.?
namas te yātudhānebhyo namas te bheṣajebhyaḥ / (3.1) Par.?
namas te mṛtyo mūlebhyo brāhmaṇebhya idaṃ namaḥ // (3.2) Par.?
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