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Associated topic(s): balāsa, healing rituals, against diseases

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Chapter id: 11099
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asthisraṃsaṃ parusraṃsam āsthitam hṛdayāmayam / (1.1) Par.?
balāsaṃ sarvaṃ nāśayāṅgeṣṭhā yaś ca parvasu // (1.2) Par.?
nir balāsaṃ balāsinaḥ kṣiṇomi muṣkaraṃ yathā / (2.1) Par.?
chinadmy asya bandhanaṃ mūlam urvārvā iva // (2.2) Par.?
nir balāsetaḥ pra patāśuṅgaḥ śiśuko yathā / (3.1) Par.?
atho ita iva hāyano 'pa drāhy avīrahā // (3.2) Par.?
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