Alphabetical Dictionary

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akṛtakaadj1not artificial
akruddhaadj1not angry
agādhaadj1not shallow; deep; unfathomable
aṅgan3a limb of the body; a limb; member; the body; a subordinate division or department; the number six; name of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five); any subdivision; a supplement; (in Gr.) the base of a word; anything inferior or secondary; anything immaterial or unessential; (in rhetoric) an illustration; (in the drama) the whole of the subordinate characters; an expedient; a mental organ; the mind; [gramm.] the word aṅga; attribut¦rer Teil eines Opfers
aṅgāṅgiind1jointly or reciprocally; related as one limb to another or to the body
aṅgīkṛ8. Ā.1to take the side of; to agree to; to assent; to promise; to confess; to approve
aṭṭahāsamn1a horse-laugh; a name of Śiva; name of a Yakṣa; name of a Tīrtha; name of a mountain
atasind4from this; than this; hence; henceforth; from that time; from this or that cause or reason
atiind2very; extremely
atikram6. P.2to step or go beyond or over or across; to pass; to cross; to pass time; to surpass; to excel; to overcome; to pass by; to neglect; to overstep; to transgress; to violate; to pass on or away; to step out; to part from; to lose
atyantamind1excessively; exceedingly; in perpetuity; absolutely; completely; to the end
atraind8in this matter; in this respect; in this place; here at this time; there; then
athaind11an auspicious and inceptive particle (not easily expressed in English); now; then; moreover; rather; certainly; but; else; what? how else?
adaspron5jener; yonder
adhamaadj1lowest; vilest; worst; very low or vile or bad (often ifc)
adhikaraṇan1the act of placing at the head or of subordinating government; supremacy; magistracy; court of justice; a receptacle; support; a claim; a topic; subject; (in philosophy) a substratum; a subject; a category; a relation; (in Gr.) government; location; the sense of the locative case; relationship of words in a sentence (which agree together); (in rhetoric) a topic; a paragraph or minor section; the frame of reference (of a word)
adhikībhū1. P.1
adhiruh1. Ā.1to rise above; to ascend; to mount
adhiṣṭhānan1standing by; being at hand; approach; standing or resting upon; a basis; base; the standing-place of the warrior upon the car; a position; site; residence; abode; seat; a settlement; town; standing over; government; authority; power; a precedent; rule; a benediction; plinth