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Chapter id: 6813
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ādau kuntalī devadatto dṛṣṭaḥ madhye muṇḍaḥ tṛtīyasyāmavasthāyāṃ kuntalī // (1) Par.?
caturthyāmālāpādibhiravagate ārūpamātreṇa ca saṃdhyādau kim ayaṃ kuntalī syād uta muṇḍo vā iti saṃśayaḥ // (2) Par.?
pūrvasūtre 'nekārthānusmṛteḥ saṃśayaḥ anena tvekārthe viśeṣānusmaraṇāt // (3) Par.?
ābhyantarastu // (4) Par.?
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