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Associated topic(s): Sarasvatī, Vāc, speech

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Chapter id: 11653
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yad āśasā vadato me vicukṣubhe yad yācamānasya carato janāṁ anu / (1.1) Par.?
yad ātmani tanvo me viriṣṭaṃ sarasvatī tad ā pṛṇad ghṛtena // (1.2) Par.?
sapta kṣaranti śiśave marutvate pitre putrāso apy avīvṛtann ṛtāni / (2.1) Par.?
ubhe id asyobhe asya rājata ubhe yatete ubhe asya puṣyataḥ // (2.2) Par.?
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